Artificial Intelligence has soaked its way to almost every bit of our lives. Needed or not, thousands of companies use it to transform their product into something new, or just to use the cool word. We have so many different uses for AI: IT, Healthcare, HR, and memes of course. Let's look into some trends that will be further developed throughout the coming years.
You probably know about these AI-powered translators like DeepL. They claim to train the AI to translate texts as a human would, and it seems to do a good job. There are many layers to translation though, and even if they got the basics right a while ago, what about the rest? There are a lot of word constructions that can mean two or three things at once, and such sentences were always a death sentence for those apps. Does it mean that human translators will not be soon needed when the progress reaches a new peak? No, I don't think so. As a translator myself, AI has a very long way until it matches the human mind if it is possible. Our ability to recognize patterns that can't be easily written down and fed to the AI is still unmatched.
We saw one of the largest pandemics in 2020, and it was the healthcare industry that took the biggest hit. Medical professionals were overwhelmed with the number of people that were going through them, and remember, there are thousands of other diseases apart from COVID-19, and these people needed the treatment just as much. AI can help with that, analyzing patient's previous records, symptoms, building out some sort of a priority ladder: people who need urgent care, and those with small and simple illnesses, helping doctors to give the diagnosis and treatment plans to them faster and more efficiently than ever. Along with the automation of certain tasks, there are more serious things AI can help us with. For example, Google DeepMind recently created AlphaFold 2 that will allow scientists to recreate a 3D DNA structure of amino acids which will significantly reduce the amount of time spent on making new vaccines in the future.
With dozens of new companies created every day, the need for cybersecurity is on the constant rise. You must have seen the news about companies big and small being hacked and have some valuable intel stolen. Sadly, these attacks won't stop. Cybersecurity has been battling hackers since the dawn of the internet, and the digital age we live in demands more tools than ever. AI can help cybersecurity professionals by learning the normal usage patterns, ringing a bell when something is out of the ordinary, or stop the attack altogether.
Sales have always been something personal: people don't trust you right from the start, and you have to earn it. There are a dozen of other processes that salespeople have to track in their head: when to follow up when to pitch when to push. It stresses them out quickly. Artificial Intelligence for CRM systems can be a miracle for sales reps, as it will help lighten their burden of million stats to track. Instead of you planning everything in your mind, AI will notify you when is the best time to send another message to your lead, and give you some advice on how to approach them correctly. Sales forecasting is another important trend to look into, as it is something that all sales departments have struggled with for years. AI can help your company to analyze your budget, see what is profitable or not, which industry to take a closer look at, and all of that without too much human intervention.
We are still quite far from fully self-driving cars, even though we have made great progress throughout the decade. Computer vision is getting smarter and smarter each day, but it is still unknown if it will ever be able to assess real-time situations as "human-like" as we do. Still, the technology is definitely on the trending side of the AI industry, as more car manufacturers hop on the autopilot train. We will see more features to be added to self-driving cars like Teslas, Volvos, and Mercedeses, which have had the most success.
There are millions of devices in the world that could profit from having AI features built-in: smartwatches, fitness trackers, phones, the list goes on and on. With 5G networks on the way, they will be able to access the fastest network speeds ever, allowing the AI to analyze the situation with jaw-dropping speed. AI will help these devices to assess usage patterns, helping them make the right decisions, predict and recognize illnesses without any human intervention. Even though we can't precisely know what lies next, I can surely say that the AI industry will continue to grow and prosper.