B2B Marketing during Economic Downturn

B2B Marketing during Economic Downturn

What businesses should do

Salome Mikadze's portrait
Salome Mikadze
COO at Movadex
B2B Marketing during Economic Downturn

The current state of the economy is concerning. The rising inflation makes it hard on consumers who, faced with increased prices, try to cut their costs. While a recession is not the case yet, the economic downturn proves to be higher than in the last few decades; and the B2B sector, which makes up 70% of the GDP in the U.S. alone, feels the effects of the fluctuations like no other. A lot of businesses are abandoning their fields. With the prospect of recession in the near future, a company can outsmart its competitors by stepping in even more actively, as surprising as it may seem.

How downturn is a unique business possibility

Given the stressful events in the world right now, many companies tend to take painful steps which often include the stopping of some activities or a complete shutdown. A handful of organizations accelerate their operations instead and seize the left open spots in the market. Lightbulb The truth is that even in the case of an economic downturn consumers still spend their money, although not as intensively. A time like this is perfect for investing into marketing to bring more attention to the services or products of the company. The key is not to fall into the trap of impulsive decisions. This is also a good time to remember that chasing business opportunities that no longer exist will not turn out well either.

Evaluate the opportunities

The directions a company can go need reassessment during a downturn. Some business opportunities can potentially lead to losses and leave no chance of stabilizing the process after the economy comes back to normal. Therefore, a reasonable approach includes a thorough analysis of the opportunities at hand and the relevance of each. For example, if the target audience happens to be more bold financially even during uncertain times, selling a high-quality expensive service is a way to go. But if consumers tend to be more determined to save rather than spend, it’s fair to focus on an alternative service that’s more price-friendly to avoid the risk of losses for the company.

Think long term

Companies often freak out and make irrational decisions when the economy starts seriously fluctuating, which is the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Focusing on loyal customers provides some certainty that in the long run the business will survive, if not become even more successful. Path to success The importance of the existing base cannot be underestimated and, therefore, sustaining the loyalty to that base will ensure that the company stays afloat. People who love spending and love the service/product will spend even if it’s expensive. It is then crucial to market the good in a way that will make it look like something essential or with a real potential to make consumers incredibly happy. Happiness during an economic downturn is sought after. At the same time, marketing managers have an important job to constantly track the shifts in the priorities, taste, and preferences of customers. Reflecting upon these changes guarantees a viable marketing solution.

Innovate, innovate, innovate

At first sight, the recession’s eve might be the time when all business processes should be limited. But here’s a big nuance: the moment that the economy stabilizes, a wave of new products/services will flood the market, and consumers will be ready to try them out. Waiting until the recovery is not a smart decision. Instead, companies should offer their unique products/services with the help of marketing campaigns that clearly showcase the value compared with similar alternatives in the market. Marketing analysis


It’s easy to give up when an economic downturn is projected to upset business operations. However, companies that succeed are the ones who put work into claiming the market share and promoting their products/services, further gaining trust and loyalty from their customers.