Sales CRM

Sales CRM

Why Do I Need It?

Dan Petrenko's portrait
Dan Petrenko
Head of Customer Success
Sales CRM

Customer Relationship Management software is a powerful tool for tracking all of your clients. It helps you to keep all the important data about how the process of pre, mid, and post-sale are doing. Even keeping in mind that it's such an impactful thing, many sales teams disregard using a CRM. Let's see how one can improve your work life, and why do you need it.


CRM can help you with planning your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules with a few clicks. It will boost your performance, keeping you on the right track at all times, so you won't forget about an important call or a follow-up. Besides, it keeps everything at a glance, so you can quickly take a look and remind yourself of something important about your customer — maybe there's an important note that you have left for yourself.


Besides planning, you get a safe storage space for your contracts, meeting plans, notes, you name it! The best thing about it is that you can have access to those from basically anywhere, so you won't get lost without your precious intel on the client that you are about to speak to over the phone. It is also important to mention the organization. With every customer you have, you will grow your client base, allowing you to plan easy follow-ups and do whatever marketing things that your heart may desire.


CRM system will keep you out of a headache zone of monthly and yearly reports. You will have the opportunity to form these reports in a much faster, organized way. You won't have to go copy and paste all the clients from different documents and clouds, as everything in one place. It will be less painful for your management too, as the output reports are usually really straightforward, and won't require a full day to decipher.


CRM systems are shared with your colleagues, management, and whoever else needs to be updated on the status quo. It relieves so much pain for the whole team by saving your time, because you won't have to send all the requirements, project details, client details to anybody — they can just log in and see for themselves. By sharing a CRM, communication within your team will increase greatly.

Pipeline Optimization

Long cycles are the most painful point in any salesperson's job. The longer it is, the easier it is to make a mistake, forget something important, or lose track of what is going on altogether. Pipeline optimizations will save you from losing your mind to a month-long sale, helping you to be on the same page with the client every single day.


While not being cheap and easily accessible to everyone, CRMs save your money by reducing the amount of setbacks and mistakes that you do here and there. By being informed and organized, chances to do something wrong reduce greatly.

E-Mail Campaigns

One of the most powerful things in a CRM is the ability to do E-Mail campaigns, as it stores all the addresses, and is connected to your E-mail. Not only that, but you will be able to see whether the client clicked on the link that you have provided, or whether they read it at all. That way, you will have the opportunity to instantly do your thing if your lead turns hot all of the sudden. You won't miss it for sure!


After you have gathered enough information and been working with the CRM for a while, you will be able to review your past performance and gather insights on how to act in the future. You will have access to all the details about your deals, and key trends too, so you can get an idea of what to aim for in your next month.