No-Code Builders

No-Code Builders

What Are They & Are They Worth It?

Dan Petrenko's portrait
Dan Petrenko
Head of Customer Success
No-Code Builders

There has been a certain trend rising among others, but I couldn't force myself to include it in the Top 5. However, I think that it deserves an overview of a sort. No-Code builders are something that I do not fully get, but let's try and review them with all their ups and downsides.


What Are They?

To develop anything, you usually needed to know how to code. Frameworks, libraries, all the things. Website and Web App development is no easy task, and with so many industries with different needs come increased demands for developers and their knowledge. No-code builders are straightforward as they come, they allow you to build something without any knowledge in development.

How Do They Work?

You don't need to design, develop, or code anything to use them. No-code builders come in pre-coded blocks that you can just drag and drop to build out what you have in mind. It's a little misleading in the name, as the coding happens, but it was done before you even begin the work.


Let's get straight to the point now. This is when it is a good idea to use a builder instead of a hard-coded way: #1. Reduced Cost. Let's be real, the cost is almost always the driver in your decision-making and it's completely normal. When you're just starting, there may be no choice but to use a builder to quickly get your idea to the masses. #2. Faster Rollout. It can be incredibly easy to set everything up and get going. #3. Self-sustainability. If you are concerned about being able to edit all the things on your website on your own, no-code may be the way to go. #4. Low Entry Barrier. You don't need any experience in coding to begin. #5. Flexibility. You can build a mobile app, web app, or a regular website.


It may sound tempting to go no-code right away, but bear with me for a moment, as some things may become a deal-breaker for you: #1. Little to No Customization. Yup, there's a first and biggest letdown for you. It's a really simple builder, and with everything being pre-built, don't get your hopes up for a custom design and awesome performance that was fitted to your needs only: it was built to satisfy everybody at the same time. #2. There's Always a Limit. It may sound like a very promising thing, but you won't be able to build something big on a no-code platform. #3. Security. Another big concern to these is security. When you or your team has developed and written every line of code, you know what it does and you're ok with it. But these builders come with everything pre-built and security breaches are something that you should be aware of, they may happen. #4. It May Be Hard to Move. When you (inevitably!) grow as a company and the demand for your product reaches a point when your website can't handle it, you begin to wonder how to move. But here's a catch: it may be very hard to do so. Some platforms may be extremely easy in that regard, but I advise you to read the Terms of Use before putting a lot of work into your project. Some builders may go as far as claiming the code as their own (they were the ones who wrote it after all), some may be a pain to extract data from. The right thing here would be to research before doing anything on any platform.


In a nutshell, choose no-code if you have no resources or knowledge in development. Be aware that there are many downsides and upsides to these builders, and choose to go through with them after a close and thorough consideration only. After you have grown enough, my advice would be to move to a hard-coded website with a custom design that was built just for you. Not only you will stand out among your competitors, but the experience for you will be a lot better. Promise!