It’s after midnight. The moon is full. You feel it. A sudden surge of energy fills your veins. You rush to your desk and start. You create something awesome and you feel like it was just inspiration. What is this beast and does it really exist? How do you slay one? Let’s talk about it in today’s post. Sometimes, you just really feel it and do a great job, but there’s one problem: it’s once or twice a week, and your clients won’t wait until you magically start creating again. I will lead you through some of the ways you can forget about relying on inspiration alone and start making your designs (or any creative works, really) every day.
Listen to your favorite songs
I think we can all agree that music is universal. You can be both far from a creative field or be one, music speaks to us all, and on a level that is unique to everyone. For me, music is something that makes me happier and inspires me most. Think of some songs that get you in your creative mood, create a playlist, and listen to it in the background. Or search for other people’s playlists. It’s important that you actually focus on doing your job, and not the music, that’s why you will have to turn it down until it replaces all the ambient noises around you. Try it, it really may help.
Take a walk
Sometimes, fresh air is a lifesaver. If you are stuck moving some random thing on your canvas for an hour or two, maybe it’s time to take a stroll in the park, or just go grab a coffee and watch the street from a window. Architecture is one of the greatest ways to look for inspiration. Moreover, nothing like oxygen helps your brain to work more efficiently!
Watch others' works
Okay, you have returned from your walk. Now, don’t get back to your work instantly, because chances are you will be stuck again. Open something like Behance or Dribbble and start scrolling. Web Design Inspiration and DesignSpiration are also great websites that can make your gears spinning again. Now, it’s important to go back a little. Do you have a moodboard? It’s a basic thing that is very important. If not, create a new one. If you do have it, maybe it’s time to update it or make one from scratch?
Take a quick nap
Give your brain a rest. A 20 minute nap can give you enough energy to get through the rest of the day.
Do not doom scroll
It is a waste of time. Switch between different sources and channel your inner creative self both from online and offline, like we discussed earlier with the walks and coffee.
Look for patterns
Look through your portfolio and remember the creative process you have gone through, what the day was like, what you were doing-eating-listening to. Maybe there’s a certain pattern that helps you create?
Accept that it is okay to fail at something
If nothing is working, it is okay too. We are human beings, and sometimes we just can’t do things, and you’re not the only one, don’t worry. Focus on something lighter, or take a day off if you can. Thank you for staying with us. With love, Movadex