A company is not comprised of simply financial statements, employees, and critical operations. It’s a community with its unique culture and atmosphere. You might wonder: what creates and improves this culture? Rituals are woven into our everyday lives. Whether it’s making the bed in the morning or going to dinner at exactly 5.30 pm with friends, people are constantly involved in actions that have a special meaning to them and form their personalities without their knowledge. The same logic applies to a company whose team is dedicated to certain traditions or activities that result in rituals, integral for shaping the culture of the organization. A company misconception about company rituals is that they are the same as routines. To settle this dilemma, it’s important to determine the attitude toward both phenomena in the first place. Routines are deemed boring and often unnecessary. Rituals, on the other hand, are highly prioritized and given a great deal of relevance.
So, why are company rituals important?
Connection is a huge reason to why company rituals play such a crucial role. They make it possible for employees to share precious memories and create meaningful bonds, as well as turn the entire team into a tight-knit group with a common purpose. Think about it: friends try to do things together all the time because they want to strengthen their ties and have meaningful experiences. Companies and people who make them do the same. Engagement undoubtedly surges when employees obtain an increased sense of belonging and community through rituals because they feel the importance of being a part of their surroundings. They start to contribute more in social matter such as a team-building activity, the firm-sponsored marathon, or networking events. More over, people get more involved in professional matters and are inspired to skyrocket the performance of their projects. Therefore, both human and career areas are under positive influence of company rituals. Habits are not the same as routines because the latter involves the conscious acknowledgement of the repeated nature of actions, while the former happens unconsciously. Employees try to think more actively of ways to make their company and the team more successful which results in the emerge of a great habit. The list of reasons why company rituals matter is much longer than you might think. While they are not listed in job descriptions, widely talked about in interviews, or discussed during job fairs, the said activities boost the morale, advance people’s participation in the life of the company, and create a strong family, comprised of individuals who are devoted to their team. The rituals form the company culture and emphasize what makes a particular firm unique in its own ways. Powerful connections, excellent engagement, and outstanding habits are the biggest reasons why companies choose to have rituals whose impact extends far beyond the improvements on the inside and contributes to the external developments supercharged by the team who is inspired to be committed to its company and make it successful.